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Fans De Corazon Y Con El Corazon
Espinoza Paz was born on October 29, in La Angostura, a small colorful town just north of Sinaloa, Mexico; he was only 11 years old when he wrote his first song, dedicated to this girl he had a crush on. By the time he was13, he had already written 20 songs, however, it wasn’t until his Father sent him some dollars from the U.S. when he decided to buy his first guitar and learned to play this instrument self-taught.
In 1996 he emigrated to Sacramento, California, where his love for music kept on growing while working from cleaning tomatoes to picking oranges, olives and grapes; strenuous jobs for a teenager, without a doubt, but he never ceased to write. Months later, he decides to go back to Mexico and he goes through the hardest experience he ever lived, his Mother, Mrs. Maria de la Paz Espinoza, passed away, marking his life forever.
From then on Espinoza Paz embarks himself on a never-ending journey looking to find his destiny. He returns to the United Status, this time to Oregon, where he Works as a gardener for about a year. Tired of the road, he then decided to concentrate on his career as a songwriter and convinced of his call, he returns to Mexico. Eight years went by knocking on doors, singing in regional bands, looking for ‘the’ opportunity, always pouring his feelings and experiences into his songs.
His best moment as composer was yet to take place when he showed some of his creations to “El Coyote”,--a popular Sinaloense Banda singer--he recorded “Besitos en el cuello”, “Prohibido” and the most recent one, “Para impresionarte”and they became immediate hits; his name became 'the talk of the town' in the regional Mexican music industry and artists such as Chuy Lizárraga[“La tabla del 1”], Duelo [“Te compro”], Palomo [“Invisible”], Sergio Vega [“Necesito dueña”], Banda Cuisillos [“Mil heridas 4 más”], Banda Pequeños Musical [“Nuevo Amor”], El Chapo de Sinaloa [“Esa muchacha me gusta”] and Jenny Rivera [“Inolvidable”] just to mention a few...
In December 2006 he met Martin Fabian, a well-known personality within the Radio and Music industry, who immediately fore sees the extraordinary talent in this young singer-songwriter and they soon start production of his debut album entitled "Paz en tu Corazon" [Peace in your heart], which was released in 2007.
His songs are an interesting blend of down-to-earth, simple and witty lyrics; with a peculiar way to express love, or lack of it, unusual or daily incidents, always using a fresh plain and simple style. All the good commentaries from their fellow musicians and the mass media in general have not affected in anyway this characteristic way to introduce himself: " I know I was born to write songs, I’m not yet a composer, but I will get there eventually…”and always ends up saying: “…I may not sing perfectly, but you bet I sing putting my heart into it..."
Despite his young age, Espinoza Paz has already an acknowledged career as a songwriter and he is quickly heading towards being one of the most prolific composers that the Regional Mexican music industry has seen; step by step, song by song, getting closer to what it was once his dream, to be like his idols: Juan Gabriel, Marco Antonio Solis or Joan Sebastian, exceptional icons of the Mexican Music.
Espinoza Paz nació un 29 de Octubre, en el pintoresco pueblo de La Angostura, al norte del Estado de Sinaloa, México…a los 11 años escribió su primera canción, cuando se enamoró de una compañera de escuela. A los 13 años ya contaba en su haber con alrededor de 20 canciones, sin embargo, no fue sino hasta que su Padre le envió dinero desde los Estados Unidos, cuando optó por comprarse su primer guitarra y aprendió música por si solo.
En 1996 Espinoza Paz emigra a la ciudad de Sacramento, California donde continuó desarrollando su amor por la música mientras trabajaba desde limpiando tomate hasta pizcar naranja, aceituna y uva; trabajos duros para un joven de su edad pero que iban sin duda forjando el carácter y dando forma al talento de este joven canta-autor. Es al regresar a México, después de esta etapa, cuando sucede un acontecimiento que marcaría su vida para siempre: el fallecimiento de su Señora Madre, Maria de la Paz Espinoza.
Al cuestionársele sobre quien lo descubrió, Espinoza Paz nos cuenta con un dejo de melancolia y añoranza en su voz: “Fue mi Mamá, que en paz descanse, quien apoyando mis inicios en la musica cuando tenia como 6 años, decia a los familiares y amigos con un orgullo materno mas que evidente, mi hijo va a ser artista…ya lo veran”. Posteriormente, un amigo de la infancia, el fiel e incondicional Compa Reyes, que escuchaba pacientemente todas y cada una de las composiciones de Espinoza Paz, le pronosticó de manera casi profética, que con su talento llegaria muy lejos; que luchara por sus sueños.
A partir de entonces, Espinoza Paz inicia un recorrido incansable en busca de su destino y regresa nuevamente a los Estados Unidos, esta vez a Oregon donde se desempeña como jardinero y después de un año, decide regresar a su tierra natal, ahora ya con la firme convicción de dedicarse a la música, a su música. 8 años transcurren para Espinoza Paz tocando puertas, cantando en bandas regionales, buscando oportunidades, sin dejar nunca de plasmar todos sus sentimientos y vivencias en sus canciones.
El inicio de su mejor momento como compositor estaba por suceder cuando al mostrar sus canciones a “El Coyote”, el popular cantante de Banda Sinaloense, éste le graba varias composiciones que se convierten en éxitos radiales, tales como “Besitos en el cuello”, “Prohibido” y la más reciente "Para impresionarte", dejando de manifiesto su talento y poniendo el nombre de Espinoza Paz en el interés de muchos otros artistas y grupos del ámbito regional mexicano, tales como Chuy Lizárraga[“La tabla del 1”], Duelo [“Te compro”], Palomo [“Invisible”], Sergio Vega [“Necesito dueña”], Banda Cuisillos [“Mil heridas 4 más”], Banda Pequeños Musical [“Nuevo Amor”], El Chapo de Sinaloa [“Esa muchacha me gusta”] y Jenny Rivera [“Inolvidable”], por mencionar solo algunos.
En Diciembre del 2006, es durante la celebración de una boda que Espinoza Paz conoce a Martin Fabian, quien, de inmediato reconoce el talento del joven canta-autor dan inicio a los preparativos de lo que será el primer disco, su gran lanzamiento: "Paz en tu Corazón" 2007.
Sencillo, alegre y ‘dicharachero’, acompañado siempre de su mejor amiga, su guitarra, Espinoza Paz siempre esta dispuesto para cantar su nuevo tema: "el que acabo de componer", dice él…en verdad sorprendente es su forma para expresar el día a día, con amor y desamor, desde lo chusco hasta lo cotidiano, utilizando siempre el lenguaje fresco y sencillo del pueblo; llamando a las cosas como son.
Los buenos comentarios de sus compañeros músicos y del medio en general no han afectado en manera alguna su manera muy particular de auto-presentarse: “yo se que nací para componer…todavía no soy compositor, pero ahí la llevo”, y remata siempre diciendo “”no crean que canto bonito, pero canto con el corazón”
A su edad, y con una ya amplia carrera en la composición, Espinoza Paz se perfila para ser uno de los cantautores más prolíficos que haya dado el género Regional Mexicano, acercándolo cada vez mas a lograr su sueño: el llegar a ser como sus ídolos, los ya iconos de la Música Mexicana, Juan Gabriel, Marco Antonio Solís o Joan Sebastian…
Espinoza Paz was born on October 29, in La Angostura, a small colorful town just north of Sinaloa, Mexico; he was only 11 years old when he wrote his first song, dedicated to this girl he had a crush on. By the time he was13, he had already written 20 songs, however, it wasn’t until his Father sent him some dollars from the U.S. when he decided to buy his first guitar and learned to play this instrument self-taught.
In 1996 he emigrated to Sacramento, California, where his love for music kept on growing while working from cleaning tomatoes to picking oranges, olives and grapes; strenuous jobs for a teenager, without a doubt, but he never ceased to write. Months later, he decides to go back to Mexico and he goes through the hardest experience he ever lived, his Mother, Mrs. Maria de la Paz Espinoza, passed away, marking his life forever.
From then on Espinoza Paz embarks himself on a never-ending journey looking to find his destiny. He returns to the United Status, this time to Oregon, where he Works as a gardener for about a year. Tired of the road, he then decided to concentrate on his career as a songwriter and convinced of his call, he returns to Mexico. Eight years went by knocking on doors, singing in regional bands, looking for ‘the’ opportunity, always pouring his feelings and experiences into his songs.
His best moment as composer was yet to take place when he showed some of his creations to “El Coyote”,--a popular Sinaloense Banda singer--he recorded “Besitos en el cuello”, “Prohibido” and the most recent one, “Para impresionarte”and they became immediate hits; his name became 'the talk of the town' in the regional Mexican music industry and artists such as Chuy Lizárraga[“La tabla del 1”], Duelo [“Te compro”], Palomo [“Invisible”], Sergio Vega [“Necesito dueña”], Banda Cuisillos [“Mil heridas 4 más”], Banda Pequeños Musical [“Nuevo Amor”], El Chapo de Sinaloa [“Esa muchacha me gusta”] and Jenny Rivera [“Inolvidable”] just to mention a few...
In December 2006 he met Martin Fabian, a well-known personality within the Radio and Music industry, who immediately fore sees the extraordinary talent in this young singer-songwriter and they soon start production of his debut album entitled "Paz en tu Corazon" [Peace in your heart], which was released in 2007.
His songs are an interesting blend of down-to-earth, simple and witty lyrics; with a peculiar way to express love, or lack of it, unusual or daily incidents, always using a fresh plain and simple style. All the good commentaries from their fellow musicians and the mass media in general have not affected in anyway this characteristic way to introduce himself: " I know I was born to write songs, I’m not yet a composer, but I will get there eventually…”and always ends up saying: “…I may not sing perfectly, but you bet I sing putting my heart into it..."
Despite his young age, Espinoza Paz has already an acknowledged career as a songwriter and he is quickly heading towards being one of the most prolific composers that the Regional Mexican music industry has seen; step by step, song by song, getting closer to what it was once his dream, to be like his idols: Juan Gabriel, Marco Antonio Solis or Joan Sebastian, exceptional icons of the Mexican Music.